iPlayground 2020 徵稿 closed

截止日期 Sep 7, 2020 at 12:00am CST

2017年9月,一群到東京參加 iOSDC 的工程師們,在看到國外蓬勃活躍的程式力,熱血自此被點燃,決心舉辦一場廣深度兼具又有趣的 iOS 研討會。

2018年10月,有實戰技巧、初心者攻略、hard core 議題以及各式職場經驗交流的 iPlayground 華麗登場。

2020年,iPlayground 誠摯召喚各位鍵盤好手一起來燃燒熱血,讓議程更多元、更有料!


iPlayground 接受任何與 iOS/macOS , Objective-C/Swift 開發相關的各式議題,包括軟體架構、測試技巧或者職場教戰守則等,想必此刻在螢幕前的你就是想要來投稿的,那就不要再猶豫了!

今年對於 iOS/macOS 開發者來說是改變非常多的一年,AWS lambda 支援 Swift 開發 Serverless,App Clips 帶來新的操作情境,滿週年的 SwiftUI 已逐漸堪用,重新設計的 Widget,HomeKit 開源,更嚴謹的隱私設定以及 使用 ARM 架構的 全新晶片 Apple Silicon



開放投稿:6 月 29 日

投稿截止:9 月 6 日

公佈結果:9 月

議程時間:11月 8 日 (抱歉因為不可抗原因我們活動延期一周到11月8日)



議程長度約為 40 分鐘,這段時間的任務就是將你的功力與菁華盡可能地傳受給聽眾


身為講者可以 免費獲得入場卷以及講者專屬 T Shirt 。如果您不幸落選,我們會 提供投稿者優惠票價及專屬購票連結,保證讓你可以參加 iPlayground。



  • Objective-C / Swift framework 使用心得分享
  • iOS / Mac 軟體開發經驗分享
  • AR / Metal 等開發經驗分享
  • 遊戲開發經驗分享
  • 軟體架構規畫或使用經驗分享
  • UI Test / Unit Test / Refactor 軟體品質經驗分享
  • UI / UX 設計經驗分享
  • Agile / Scrum 經驗心得分享
  • SwiftUI / Combine 入門心得分享
  • Swift for backend、command line 或 TensorFlow 等其它開發經驗分享


In September 2017, a group of developers attended iOSDC in Tokyo, and was impressed by how well organized the event was. These grass root members were then influenced to host their own version of the conference for local iOS/macOS developers in Taiwan.

Since October 2018, iPlayground has become the first of its kind to be labeled as an interesting conference with a technical focus.

iPlayground welcomes all developers with a focus on iOS and macOS. Ignite your passion today and join iPlayground!

Speaker Submission Guidelines

iPlayground is open to anything related to iOS/macOS, Objective-C/Swift topics, including software architectures, unit testing, automation UI testing or the careers of an iOS/macOS developer.

If you’re passionate and want to share your expertise with the community then we would love to hear from you! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and send in a submission to speak.

It has been a year of dramatic changes for iOS/macOS developers.
For example, we can now work with AWS Lambda in Swift.
Second, App Clips brings a whole different experience to the users.
The exciting and newly developed Widget on the home screen and HomeKit developments, are something to look forward to.
Apple introduced more secure privacy settings which have been incorporated and showcased in the App store.
We're also very excited about the new chip, Apple Silicon, that Apple has developed.

Lastly with the anniversary of SwiftUI, it's worth mentioning that it has become increasingly popular, and has become a significant focus area for developers.
Word has it that, although a person can walk fast, a group of people can walk further. Therefore, allowing us to put our heads together, working stronger and better.

Time Schedule

Submission opens on Jun 29, 2020.

Submission closes on Sep 6, 2020.

Notification of acceptance in September 2020.

Conference dates Nov 8, 2020.

To become a speaker (Note for speakers)

Regular sessions

A regular session length is 40 minutes. A speaker’s job is to share your unique experiences to the audience during this time period.


When your proposal is accepted, iPlayground will give you free entry to the conference and a collectable T-Shirt (Speakers only). For those applicants who were not selected, you will be entitled to a special discounted ticket.

Submit your proposal now!

Submissions remain anonymous for reviewers to ensure unbiased results. Topics including but not limited to:

  • Sharing experience of using Objective-C / Swift framework
  • Sharing experience of iOS / masOS developing tips
  • Develop experience of AR / Metal
  • Gaming experience sharing
  • Sharing of software architecture
  • Sharing experience of UI Test / Unit Test / Code refactoring
  • UI / UX experience sharing
  • Sharing of Agile / Scrum of software development experience
  • SwiftUI / Combine using experience sharing
  • Swift for backend / Swift for command line tools or TensorFlow for development sharing

Contacts us


35 proposals